Adam Green’s Hatchet was one of the few films whose marketing campaign was actually smarter than it. By promoting Hatchet as wholly original horror film during a time where everything out of Hollywood was a remake or a sequel it amassed a ton of hype, which only served to add to the crushing disappointment when we all found out that the movie was as by-the-numbers as you could get.
But you won’t know that from this teaser trailer for Hatchet 2!
C’mon, guys. Hatchet didn’t do anything to the slasher genre, let alone “resurrect and change” it. Your big hulking villain was more memorable for his cool name than for anything he did in the film.
Still, Hatchet 2 will hit AMC theaters on October 1st. Just make sure it’s not the AMC in Times Square, cause you’ll come home with more than chills (you’ll also get bed bugs).