If sequels are THQ’s business, then business must be booming. At THQ’s annual investor conference call, CEO Brian Farrell announced plans for sequels to some of its most popular franchises, including the following:

Red Faction (April, 2010 – March, 2011)
Homefront (April, 2010 – March, 2011)
Saints Row (March, 2011 – April 2012)
Darksiders (March, 2011 – April 2012)
Warhammer 40k Space Marine (March 2011 – April 2012)

Another Homefront was announced in 2009, and a third Saints Row was all but a given. The big surprise here is the early (and welcome) followup to Red Faction: Guerrilla, a game that didn’t have much story chops, but won players over with its slick multiplayer, inventive and satisfying arsenal, and gleefully addictive destruction mechanic.

Darksiders’ healthy sales numbers and Warhammer 40k’s mystifying popularity account for the rest of the list.

Source: Joystiq