Studio Ghibli has announced their next film and it may be a little familiar to you, especially if you grew up in the 90s. They’re making The Borrowers. You’ll remember that John Goodman starred in a 1997 movie version of the Mary Norton novels about little people who ‘borrow’ items from big humans; the action of the movie, to be called Karagurashi no Arrietty (The Borrower Arrietty), has moved from London in the 50s to Tokyo today.

Hayao Miyazaki has apparently had his eye on an adaptation for some time, according to producer Suzuki Toshio. “About 40 years ago this project was once considered by both Miyazaki and Takahata and Miyazaki suddenly recalled it and recommended me to read the book. He led me being strong-armed into accepting his idea. Perhaps he has a strong longing for their youth. Anyway, we often have this kind of trouble at Studio Ghibli. So why The Borrowers now? To that question, Miya-san in desperation answered “The situation of “karigurashi” (borrowing life) is very nice. It just fits to our present age. The age of mass consumption is ending now and the idea of “borrowing” proves the advent of it with depression. He immediately wrote down the project paper of the movie.”

The film will be released in 2010.

via GhibliWorld