Avatar is birthed. It played last night in London, and it’ll be screening in LA tomorrow. So what’s next for Big Jim Cameron? Will it be another decade tooling around in subs, or Battle Angel Alita? Or will it be something entirely different? Like… a remake of Seven Samurai? But in fucking space, dude.

Production Weekly tweeted that Cameron is working with ‘writer’ Shane Salerno (Aliens vs Predator, so he and Cameron have something in common!) on a futuristic scifi event film, but offered no other details. io9 did their due diligence and went through the archives to find that Salerno last year sold a script to Fox called Doomsday Protocol, which is essentially a Seven Samurai riff in space. The film is about a group of aliens and humans with various abilities who are brought together to save Earth.

Could that be what Cameron and Salerno are working on? And would it be something Cameron directs or just produces? And could this article have any more questions?

The Avatar junket is happening this weekend in London, so hopefully somebody asks Big Jim what’s up with this bidness.

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