The real possibility of a Who Framed Roger Rabbit? sequel began floating around earlier in the year when Zemeckis mentioned being inspired by his new tools and toys. He has since steadily teased the idea of follow-up, and even clarified at Comic-Con that he wouldn’t be Polar-Express‘ing any formerly 2D characters. Just what relationship live action, 2D, 3D, and performance capture would have in this proposed film is unclear. I’d bet a limb or two that even Zemeckis hasn’t quite figured that out.
All speculation aside, Bob has more concretely revealed to MTV that original screenwriters Peter Seaman and Jeffry Price are working on the sequel. More specifically, “there’s a script that’s being developed.”
This is little more than another tease, but it does at least indicate that it will be a new concept and that perhaps Zemeckis does have intentions to somewhat stick with the old approach.
Expect the vague mentioning to continue- Zemeckis is always a busy dude with lots of projects. One of those projects happens to be a 3D Animated remake of Yellow Submarine that intends to hit by 2012, so any new Roger Rabbit is still a long long way off.