[Note: We occasionally run links to cool posters, art, and clothes, but have never really branded these features. From now on I’ll be running them under the ‘Geek Chic’ banner. Just so you know.]

There are not a lot of Star Wars items I’d be interested in buying anymore, and I’m definitely past the point of owning Star Wars bedding (although as a young man I did rock the original Star Wars sheets!), but the folks at ThinkGeek may have found a way to hook me back in to that galaxy far, far away: a Tauntaun sleeping bag.

You may recall that the site ran the Tauntaun sleeping bag – which unzips with a lightsaber and has a guts print inside! – as an April Fool’s Day joke. Well, response was so strong they reached out to Lucasfilm, who agreed to license the item, and ThinkGeek expects to start selling it in November. It’s running at a steep $99.99, and I don’t know if it’s only in kiddie sizes (the currently listed specs seem to indicate that it’s about 5 and a half feet long, which isn’t really big enough for even a shorter guy like me), but this is such an incredibly fun item that it’s damn tempting.

Click here to place your pre-order for the most awesome licensed Star Wars product ever.

via SciFi Wire