The folks over at MarketSaw have seen what Alexandre Aja’s killer fish are capable of, and it’s messy! Little teeths taste people, make legs less, and frenzy happens. This is what cinema was invented for. Wearing glasses, eating popcorn, and watching toothy biters go out for landfood.

Piranha 3-D (my previous story) is chugging towards reality from the man who brought you High Tension, so don’t be surprised when it turns out the whole film is a crappie’s daydream. With that in mind, it still has a huge chance of being a wonderful time at the movies. Aja has skills and is unafraid to push boundaries. Piranhas are charismatic, especially when in large groups gnashing their mandibles at third tier celebrities. We need more animal attack films. We need more Richard Dreyfus.

Click here to see a blurry leg stump. Then boot your computer down and go home because your day is complete.