NBC must renew Chuck.  I think I’ve been pretty clear about this.  It’s not an option.  NBC must renew it.  Forget logic.  Screw ratings.  And fuck all about Jay Leno five nights a week.  I’ve never done any of the useless standing out in front of a studio with a picket sign to save a TV show.  Mostly because those displays of 20 – 30 people who should be at their jobs instead of trying to save their beloved programming simply never work…and are sort of sad actually.  Letter writing is still a fairly stirring, but usually fruitless endeavor.  On the other hand, some of the more inventive campaigns to save shows have been rightly aimed at sponsors of shows.  They may not all work, but if you’re going to take the time and energy to try to get a show renewed, do it in a smart way at least.

A buddy of mine informed me today that there’s a plan this coming Monday to show support for Chuck by buying a sandwich at Subway.  Further investigation has lead me right to a couple of  fansites, Zachary-Levi.comi and ChuckTV.net. The former site lists six things you can do to help the show out:

1. Get the word out on this program. Lots of people want to help
Chuck, but may not have the time or inclination to write letters, but
the network will listen closer if we’re talking dollars.

2. Still, if you can…write letters to NBC & Universal telling
them why you think Chuck is great (Ben Silverman is Co-Chairman of NBC
and Angela Bromstad is with Primetime Programming). In that letter be
sure to mention that you’re going to be supporting Subway, one of
Chuck’s key sponsors by purchasing a $5 Footlong the evening of the
finale and that you’re spreading the word to convince more fans to do
the same…this is a way for non-Nielson fans to show their love of the
show by directly supporting one of Chuck’s key advertisers.

3. Write a thank you letter to Subway, letting them know what the fans
are trying to do here and thank them for their product placement spots
on Chuck.

4. Convert as many new fans as you can before the finale…we need the numbers.

5. On April 27th be sure to BUY A $5 FOOTLONG from Subway
and if possible, drop a note in the comment box at the franchise
letting them know you’re participating in the Finale and Footlong
campaign to save NBC’s Chuck, of which Subway is a product placement

6. Watch the finale LIVE if possible.

If you do nothing else…do the last two items on the list.

Admittedly, I’m not going to do probably two of those things.  But basically it boils down to this at the least: watch the season finale, buy a Footlong.  You can even go crazy and watch the finale while eating your Footlong.  It’s a focused plan to target a sponsor – in a good way – and show love for your show.  This plan has even made it to various outlets such as Time and the LA Times.  So if you’re a fan of the show and want to see it back for Season 3, do your civic responsibility and grab a sandwich. 

In the meantime, enjoy this wholly relevant picture of Yvonne Strahovski.

Thanks to Tricia for helping me get my facts straight.