PS3 game to wield awesome power! Look out, Large Hadron Collider!

In an interview with Dengeki Playstation 3, FF XIII producer Yoshinori Kitase claimed that the retail version of the game will “make use of nearly 100 percent” of the PS3’s power, and that Sony’s high capacity Blu-ray technology means no more disc swapping, at least for Playstation 3 owners.

Reading between the lines a bit: does this mean that Final Fantasy XIII on the 360 won’t fit on a single disc? Will PS3 owners finally get “the good version” of a multiplatform game? Also worth mentioning: FF XIII hasn’t been announced for the Xbox 360 in Japan. It will be a multiplatform title for everyone else, but in Square Enix’s home
base, the game is still a Sony exclusive.

Expect Final Fantasy XIII to breach western shores in early 2010.