Is Nic Cage on his way to a Van Helsing party, or a Vampire Hunter D convention?

Yeah, this is barely news, but how can I not post images (from JustJared) of Cage and his Sorcerer’s Apprentice co-star Jay Baruchel, when the pictures look like this? They were shooting in the NYC subway today, and I have no idea at all how that location might fit into the story. None. Zip.

I still vaguely want to see if Baruchel’s buckets and brooms comedy might actually be funny, but it’ll be tough to shake the predisposition these pictures generate. Whatever. In the end, schadenfreude laughter is still laughter.

If you’ve got the script, send it to me, yes? I’m actually really curious, albeit in a fairly passive way.

EDIT: io9 got down to the subway set yesterday and spoke to Baruchel. All the direct story details they got are that, yes, Cage is a modern-day wizard and Baruchel is his apprentice, and that the story is set all over modern NYC. (Including the NYU campus — maybe Cage is a professor and Baruchel a student at story’s start?)