Dear Fear and Loathing,

      I really don’t know what to say. When we met in college, I was going through this whole “me against the world” phase, and you just came along at the perfect time. With all your insane drug paraphernalia and outlandish characters, you were something I knew my parents would never watch and I think that was a big part of the attraction. But I’ve reached a point in my life where I can’t bring you up in public without getting odd judgmental looks. I know it’s petty… and maybe it’s a sign of the crowd I hang with but I need to be perceived as an adult and you’re… well… you’re still just the same psychotic Johnny Depp acid trip you’ve always been. So I think it’s best if we part amicably, enjoy the good times we had, and pretend to be strangers if we happen to run into one another.

Hit me back. Until next time…