I think a lot of people are as eager as I am to see some real materials for Darren Aronofsky’s The Wrestler. (While we wait to see the actual film, that is; I’d happily skip over all the marketing crap to just get to the feature.) Already one of the better-reviewed movie of the year, the picture hasn’t yet debuted an official trailer or poster.

Not online, anyway, as there’s a one-sheet clearly in view behind Mickey Rourke in this photo dug up by In Contention. It’s not the clearest shot, as it comes from the red carpet at last weekend’s AFI Fest, but you can get the general idea. What I want to know, however, is whether the Hooters logo is actually part of the marketing plan. I doubt it, but how great would that be? Fits right in with the whole ‘rehab of Rourke’ storyline that lurks under the film’s story.

If all else fails, they could always recycle this one-sheet.

UPDATE: I missed /Film’s posting of the photo they shot at the fest; below is a good-size shot of the sheet. No Hooters. Le sigh.