How do you like the sound of Indiana Jones and the Staff of Kings? That’s been the rumored title of LucasArts’ forthcoming Xbox360/PS3 Indiana Jones game for over a year. And while wandering the halls of the Letterman Digital Arts Center in San Francisco’s Presidio (home of ILM and LucasArts), Devin has seen some production art that shows Indy with the staff of Moses, seemingly confirming the concept.

Backtrack: Two years ago, I sat down to a LucasArts demo at E3 that showed off the new Indy game. Powered by the same procedural animation tech you’ll see in The Force Unleashed, Indy fought goons while balancing atop a speeding cable car in San Francisco. That same day LucasArts teased concept art and an animation reel for The Force Unleashed. Ironically, in two intervening years the Indy game has been kept almost totally secret, while the Star Wars game has come out in full. In the meantime, “Indiana Jones and the Staff of Moses” emerged both as a possible title for what became Crystal Skull and for the nascent videogame; this well-done fan art didn’t help clear the waters.

Now, at one of several Lucas facilities, Devin has seen a number of production art pieces that suggest more about the game:

– Art with Indy and the staff of Moses shows Indy striking water with the staff, with Nazis in the background.

– The same elephant chase art that’s been around for a while is up, so the elephant ride/chase could still be a go.

– In addition to San Francisco locations include India and China; I was hoping the elephant chase might take place on Lombard St. Sigh.

– One piece shows Indy looking at the Golden Gate Bridge being built. Previously we’d heard the game takes place in 1939, but the bridge was finished in 1937.

– Art also shows a Zepplin called the Odin.

– The response to inquiries about the title Indiana Jones and the Staff of Kings were met with a smile and ‘the title is not announced’.