Folks in the Southeast, want to see Ghost Town before the rest of your hated collective nemesii?

Damn straight you do. Here’s the plot of the David Koepp film, should you be unaware…

SYNOPSIS:  In the comedy “Ghost Town,” Bertram Pincus
(Ricky Gervais) is a man whose people skills leave much to be desired. 
When Pincus dies unexpectedly, but is miraculously revived after seven minutes,
he wakes up to discover that he now has the annoying ability to see
ghosts.  Even worse, they all want something from him, particularly Frank
Herlihy (Greg Kinnear), who pesters him into breaking up the impending marriage
of his widow Gwen (Téa Leoni).  That puts Pincus squarely in the middle of
a triangle, with spirited results.

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