I took the above picture at one of the trolley crossings right in front of the San Diego Convention Center during Comic Con 2008. I didn’t recognize the name of the film, Duplicity, but I filed the photo away for a time when I could do some sleuthing (ie, check IMDB). Lo and behold it turns out that Universal has a film called Duplicity coming next year, and it stars Clive Owen, Paul Giamatti, Julia Roberts, Tom Wilkinson and Billy Bob Thornton, directed by Michael Clayton‘s Tony Gilroy.

The thriller, which IMDB says is about “A pair of corporate spies (Owen and Roberts) who share a steamy past
hook up to pull off the ultimate con job on their respective bosses,” doesn’t seem to be obviously Comic Con related, and none of the main stars of the film were at the Con this year as far as anyone I know could tell (you always hear about celebs showing up at parties or just hanging around, although it’s possible a Wilkinson or Giamatti could walk the floor modestly unrecognized), but the days they were shooting and the area where they were shooting would have been nerd crowd and costume central. I never saw any camera crews, but then again I rarely was outside the convention center (or Room 28 for that matter), so they may have just been shooting when I wasn’t around. Or from a nearby rooftop or something.

If anyone out there knows how Comic Con plays into Duplicity, drop me a line at devin@chud.com.