The first audience to see footage from Watchmen was a bunch of European exhibitors at the Cinema Expo convention in Amsterdam. And frustratingly, that’s all we know at the moment: footage was seen. We don’t know what it is, how it went over, etc etc etc. Hopefully some information will leak out in the coming days.
I do know that there’s a finished cut of the film and that the people who have seen it have been ecstatic about it. I have heard that the trailer will be attached to The Dark Knight, but that seems common sensical rather than revelatory. And I know there was an 18 minute sizzle reel that blew away Warner Bros suits last year and that will likely be seen, in a much shorter form, at Comic Con.
The other interesting Watchmen bit to come out of the Expo is a series of character posters. All of the images have been previously released, but I love how they’re worked into that classic Watchmen cover design. Is it too much to hope that the final posters will use that basic design as well? It would be the sort of sphincter-tightening amazing that makes being a geek worth it sometimes.
For the rest of the posters, click here.