And so we come to the conclusion of my misadventures in Hawaii with this interview featuring Bill Hader.

Bill appears in Forgetting Sarah Marshall as the best friend of Jason Segel’s character; while Segel goes to Hawaii to forget about his recent dumping, Hader stays in Los Angeles, becoming the only cast member to not spend the shoot in paradise. That’s gotta sting.

After that interview you can see my outro, filmed at the luau Universal threw for us after the interviews were done. I got as liquored up as I could before doing this, figuring I should give you guys the chance to see me once in my natural state.

First up, here’s the Hader interview. Before the camera started rolling Hader said that he visits CHUD for the DVD reviews. I bring you that conversation, already in progress…

And here’s the luau outro. I’m actually surprised that I didn’t say anything too offensive. I know I pissed off at least one person with thin politically correct skin that night.

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