So, I don’t know about you guys, but before Guitar Hero, Call of Duty 4 and Rock Band came along I devoted 99% of all my gaming time to survival horror titles.  If it had a scary title/cover art and was rated M, I was destined to rent it.  That soft spot alone has me at least slightly excited for Ignition’s newest – Obscure the Aftermath.

This newest clip, however, has me even a little more excited for it.  Blending live action and game play, the promo clip features the game’s two main characters in the middle of what can’t possibly be a good night for either of them.  It looks good, it’s sufficiently creepy and there’s copious amounts of crimson – all good things.  However the monsters do look a little, uninspired, and the fact that it’s being heavily touted as a teenage survival horror story does have me a bit concerned.  From the press release:

“It features an original script in a world of teens and gore directly inspired by the American teen’s life, including music, fashion and their environment (college fraternity).”

Seriously?  All that makes me think about is shit like Pulse and Stay fucking Alive.  But we shall see when it hits the shelves.

Until then, click here to see it for yourself.