.The lovely and international boys over at Joblo nabbed an exclusive look at the one-sheet for Ridley Scott’s Kingdom of Heaven (though studios say we give a slightly more tender blowjob), and that’s the thing you see to the right of these little white letters.

My first feeling from seeing it? Vague. Not too gripping.

It does tell me that they’re selling it on Ridley Scott and not Orlando Bloom, which is a wise bet. Scott is a legend (pun intended). Bloom has been impeccably lucky with his choices and has yet been required to carry a film. With no text, an image that is fine but doesn’t really showcase much of anything, and a leading man that some people might mistake for Heath Ledger, it’s kind of random.

I do like how DIRECTOR and GLADIATOR are in a slightly bigger font than the rest of the letters up there. Regardless, based on the cast and the director, it’s a film you have to expect greatness from or at least the grasping for greatness.

So, there’s your poster for the film that tells the story of a blacksmith (Blooms specialty, apparently) who takes a sword and helps defend his kinsmen during the Crusades.

We’ll chat about this again real soon.

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