And the director for Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows is…exactly who you’d expect it to be.

At least according to Lois Lowry, another younglit author. On her latest blog, Lowry mentions that the film adaptation of her novel The Giver would be pushed back a while because the director, David Yates, had decided he wanted to do the last Potter film after all.

This isn’t set in stone, obviously, and it’s no sort of deal announcement.

But it’s the move that makes the most sense for Warner Brothers. The last film in the series was the highest-grossing (if only slightly in the domestic tally; overseas the take was about $40m higher than Goblet‘s) and unless something goes disastrously wrong on the set of the current (6th) film, a sense of continuity might be exactly the thing to finish out the series. While all the banter about possible superstar directors taking on the seventh film has been marginally entertaining, having the same director for the third one in a row would really streamline the process, getting the film in the can as fast as possible so that WB can start using it to mint money.