Emma StoneThough it’s hard to top Jennifer Lawrence for sheer amazing awkwarisma, Emma Stone is about as awesome a young actress as we could hope to have blazing through Hollywood right now. With Gangster Squad currently unspooling in theaters you can catch her classing up a shit movie at your leisure, while her turns in Amazing Spider-Man, The Help, Crazy, Stupid, Love, Easy A, and Zombieland present a broad range of her being excellent in films of all kinds and quality. However, virtually all of her roles so far have allowed her to flash a big smile and capture hearts with humor and brightness.

A turn in a Guillermo Del Toro horror story might just change that up.

According to Variety the actress is up for the lead role in Crimson Peak, Del Toro’s follow up to Pacific Rim and, god willing, his prelude to diving back into At The Mountains of Madness. The ghost story –which Del Toro frames as a set-driven, classically styled ghost story that he’ll add some contemporary twists to– would put Stone in the center of a much scarier story than we’ve seen her in before, even if Del Toro isn’t known for going humorless or anything.

The deal’s not done, but all signs point to yes on this one, and I’m excited to see it play out. A potentially great mix of personalities could be in store.