No. Well… maybe, depending on your perspective and level of investment in these characters. What follows are a couple potentially huge spoilers for Thor: The Dark World and, at the very least, reveal what’ll likely be driving the narrative into the second and third acts. If you don’t want to be spoiled, pat yourself on the back and keep on keeping on.

Still here?

English stuntman Andrew Laughton has been a regular go-to for Marvel Studios in recent years. Two days ago he appeared on podcast Bombad Radio to discuss a number of topics, Iron Man 3 and Thor: The Dark World among them. He doesn’t offer much insight into the third Iron Man, outside of what we already know and what Renn and I have been reporting for the last six months. But he does offer up a few surprisingly candid tidbits regarding the sequel to Thor.

I’ve included the quotes below in invisotext and, as they appear to reveal two major plot points from the film, I’d like to stress again that it’s not too late to see the film unspoiled. Here we go, highlight to get the gist:

<begin spoilers>

“Thor has to rebuild Asgard by putting together an army to go and take the battle to the Dark Elves and defeat them… So what happens is Thor basically has to negotiate this truce with Loki…

“But the exclusive twist…is that one of the things that happens during the Asgardian attack is that Thor’s mother gets killed. So it becomes like a vengeance thing. And they were keeping very tight-lipped about what actually happens with Loki, you don’t know whether he redeems himself or he’s still the bad egg.”

<end spoilers>

So some potentially major shakeups. I like the moral dilemma at play with the above mentioned truce in the second paragraph gives the narrative some legs.

Grains of salts and what not, but between this and that new Iron Man 3 trailer, it appears as if Marvel’s bringing a slightly darker tone to its new slate of films. Not sure of that’s a good thing, but it’s an increasingly apparent direction Marvel’s films are heading.

Or it’s all bullshit. Thoughts?

Source: Bombad Radio via Screenrant