Henry Selick has had a rough go of it as he’s attempted to follow up the adorable (if slight) Coraline with a big stop-motion film under the Disney banner. Apparently lacking confidence in the film, new Disney head Alan Horn put the film in turnaround, freeing the studio from the temperament of Selick and the film’s dark tone for a mere $50m write-off.

Burton’s brand notwithstanding, I wonder what that says about their confidence in Frankenweenie?

In any event, turns out Selick’s old studio Laika is willing to rebuild their bridge and bring on Selick’s dark animation about two brothers.The studio was the home of Coraline, so it should be an easy enough transition to work with Selick’s new Cinderbiter studios and its 150 animators.

It’s hard to get too excited knowing nothing about the project, but word is that it is going to look stupendous so I’m eager for our first glimpse.


Source | Indiewire via Dark Horizons