One of the films I most wanted to see at Toronto last year was
Fido. It’s the story of a zombie-infested town that has been ‘saved’ by ZomCon, a company that specializes in zombie control. The sleepy burg (which is als o appraently stuck in the ’50s) now has zombie mailmen, housekeepers and, when little Timmy Robertson’s mom brings one home, pets. It’s not all under control, of course — zombies still manage to eat people now and then, and there’s the chance that ZomCon might not be as smart as advertised.

The film looks a lot like what the game Stubbs The Zombie should have been, and has a terrific cast: Billy Connelly as the titular zombie, Dylan Baker, Tim Blake Nelson and Carrie-Ann Moss, giving what I’ve been told is a really entertaining take on the ’50s housewife.

The new trailer (available here in glorious HD) is cute and seems to prove that, just when the zombie trend is seemingly exhasuted, there’s still something vaguely fresh to do with it. For what it’s worth, that impression jives with what trusted festival-goers passed along last year. In other words, expect Fido to be fun, but probably not enough to, like, redefine zombie paradigms or anything.

I also really like the new domestic release poster, mostly because on it Connelly reminds me a whole lot of Ranxerox, who always used to creep me the hell out when he was on covers of Heavy Metal back in the day.