It apparently took Fox Animation years to negotiate, but they’ve come to a deal with the Schultz estate that will see a Peanuts film released on November 25th, 2015- 65 years after the strips debuted. Snoopy, Charlie Brown, the yellow bird, that dusty kid, and the girl everyone makes lesbian jokes about are back y’all!

I’m not sure what Fox had to do to convince the Schultz family that they’re not going to shit all over their massive global brand, but it might have something to do with involving Schultz son and grandson (Craig and Bryan respectively) in the screenwriting process, as both are credited along with Cornelius Uliano (a shorts filmmaker up till this point). The director of Horton Hears A Who and the last Ice Age film, Steve Martino, will helm the project for Fox and Blue Sky Productions.

Frankly I haven’t much kept up with the Ice Age pics or any of the animated Seuss flicks, so I have no idea what the track record on this kind of thing is. Peanuts is definitely a huge “get” for the studio, as it’s one of those subtly monolithic brands that pretty much everyone recognizes.

I’m sure the Red Baron sequences will be fun!


Source | Deadline