Vivian Schilling, writer and star of the Mystery Science Theater 3000 lampooned Soultaker, has found herself a novel-writing career, and one of her novels – Sacred Prey – has been snatched up by Warner Bros for adaptation. And this one sounds like a doozy. The synopsis?

The high-concept thriller centers on a loan shark who kills a man
he believes duped him, only to wake up and find himself in the body
of that man three days before the murder. He then must undertake a
furious effort to prevent the murder he committed.

What? Did they buy this for a chapter in their new Twilight Zone movie? Maybe I’m just old and cranky but dumb gimmicks like this – essentially a thriller take on A Christmas Carol – leave me cold. All I hope is that Schilling has a clause in her contract that demands her old Soultaker co-star Robert ‘The Chin’ Z’Dar and Joe ‘The Other’ Estevez get roles in the film.

via The Hollywood Reporter.