xsAt CHUD.com we rarely run celebrity death notices. Seriously, is anyone’s life actually impacted by the death of Tigger? Move on, manchild.

But sometimes a death is interesting in how it might impact an upcoming movie – such as Tony Scott’s Domino. See, it’s based on a real person, and she Jim Morrisoned it last night.

A former model, Domino Harvey became a bounty hunter, and you can pretty much see why somebody would want to make a movie about that. Harvey, age 35, was found dead in her bathtub in LA. Speculation has it that she drowned after an OD, but friends insist that it was "just" a heart attack.

So what happens to the movie now? At the very least we’re going to get some sort of dedication on this fictionalized and funned up account of Domino’s life. And we’ll probably get something pretty cool on the DVD, I would think.

In the meantime, check out the trailer here. Domino opens November 23rd.