Viggo Mortensen, man of mystery and interest, has now opened the floodgates of speculation.  According to Variety, Mortensen dropped out of Snow White and the Huntsman, a film he was all but locked for.

Variety is already fueling the flames that this frees him for Superman.   A few days ago, Snyder shot down Mortensen’s involvement, but in a vague enough way that we don’t know whether it was schedule conflict or simply rumor.

It’s also unclear whether this puts him back in the running for The Dark Tower, a role that’s still missing an official Roland Deschain. Bardem was offered the role and was described as “psychologically locked” but that’s a pretty shaky commitment.

I fully expect Mortensen to be attached to everything now. The Dark Knight Rises, The Avengers, Iron Man 3, The Hunger Games, The Wolverine, Les Miserables … what else am I missing? Who needs a leading man?