Martin is, in the opinion of this humble reporter, the current weak link on The Daily Show. His “Trendspotting” pieces just aren’t up to par with the rest of the stuff John Stewart et al produce, even though there has been a steady increase in quality for Martin over the last few months. Maybe I just don’t like him because he looks and dresses like half the moppy-haired Williamsburg douchebags I despise so much. Seriously, fuck those hipsters.

Anyway, this particular hipster has his own movie or two coming – he previously sold the pitch for a movie called Will (no clue what it’s about, and that title could refer to a name, personal fortitude or the final disbursement of a dead person’s goods), and now he’s sold another for himself to write and star in – The Moon People.

This one I know: it’s about a group of people who were sent to colonize the moon and now return to Earth and have to fit in. It sort of sounds like a distended Saturday Night Live skit, but maybe Martin can get the Strokes to appear in it. Or The Postal Service! Wait, they’re probably too busy doing stuff for Zack Braff…