csaHarry Shearer appeared on the “Mancow” show yesterday, and talked a bit about The Simpsons, which just got renewed for two more seasons. While there he dropped a bomb, yo – he is currently recording vocals for the long-awaited and then even-longer-dreaded Simpsons movie.

According to a scooper to AICN who will actually admit to listening to “Mancow” (isn’t that a Tick villain?), Shearer also told the human/bovine radio personality this: He then was asked if the movie would be more edgy to which he said that it pushed the boundaries, but it wasn’t going to be an R rated movie. Asked if there was swearing in the movie, he said a little more than normal, but not the characters he voices, since he voices Rev. Lovejoy and Ned Flanders.

I was in Times Square yesterday, picking up a copy of Mean Magazine (they have a pretty killer interview with Chan Wook-Park in there. It’s the issue with Mandy Moore on the cover. Highly recommended), and it turned out Shearer was showing up to sign stuff. The sad thing is that the line of people to see him was only about six people long. The guy’s funny, people!