I’m about as interested in another Indiana Jones movie as Harrison Ford is in rising above mediocrity, but that doesn’t stop the principals from mentioning their vaporsequel at every possible opportunity.

George Lucas is the latest info-blower, chatting up the film’s status while ignoring any semblance of irony and taking a shot at bombastic summer action fare like Mission: Impossible 3. "I think Tom Cruise proved that people are getting bored with that kind of stuff," Lucas said Monday, somehow completely forgetting that he just made three similarly turgid examples of flashy trash. "What they want to see is something different. And ‘Indiana Jones,’ if nothing else, is always different."

He’s right, too — the franchise has been pretty different, running the gamut from one of the greatest adventure movies ever made to a piece of banal garbage that reduced the entire supporting cast to comic relief. But they’re forging forth with a fourth, regardless of necessity: "I think it’ll be a great film, but it’s completely different," Lucas assures those seventeen prequel fans who still believe anything he says. "It’s still got a lot of action, and it’s still very funny. I think it works like crazy." Personally, the only possible way a fourth movie could interest me is if an adult Short Round is the villain (along with his trained kung-fu army), seeking vengeance for being left for dead on some previous tomb raid with Dr. Jones.

Regarding the recent announcement (RIGHT HERE) that the original Star Wars movies are getting released to DVD in unaltered form, Lucas says "We didn’t do anything to it at all. But we’re not sure how many people want that." And he’s absolutely correct. Nobody wants them. Except EVERYONE.