High Plains Scribbler: The Moment You…
You know the movie — or the moment — that made you love movies…? What if you don’t have one?
You know the movie — or the moment — that made you love movies…? What if you don’t have one?
Elisabeth ponders the meet-cute. Or in her case, the meet-scary.
Elisabeth has taken too many downers on her latest cold trip.
Are we just getting too worked up over movies? Elisabeth finds herself uneasy about the tone of the conversation.
Elisabeth finally tackles the thorny topic of Sucker Punch. It’s a long post, but give it a shot.
In a fit of pique, Elisabeth wonders if there’s really such a thing as a gateway to genre.
In which a couple of movies send Elisabeth pondering the deep and dark nature of transmutable identity. Yeah, it’s as crazy as it sounds.
In her second installment, Elisabeth sleepily tackles the silly phenomenon of quickie book adaptations.
The debut of Elisabeth’s new column. You don’t have to like it, but she hopes you’ll talk about it.