Doomsday Reels: Delicatessen
A French romantic comedy about an apartment complex full of cannibals in a post-apocalyptic future.
A French romantic comedy about an apartment complex full of cannibals in a post-apocalyptic future.
Roadhouse: Beyond Thunderdome
No peace.
Maybe the title was a bit presumptuous.
Finally, a Terminator movie worth half-watching on cable on a Saturday afternoon.
I know now why you like Terminator 2 more than the first one, but it’s something I can never do.
There was a time when James Cameron made movies that were undeniably good.
On today’s Doomsday Reels we watch Max von Sydow and Yul Brynner stumble through the English language like it’s a briar patch on a foggy day.
A weird wonderful fever dream of a movie that’s as fun as it is depressing.
A movie that reminds you of other things you’d rather be watching instead.