Doomsday Reels: Hell Comes to Frogtown
“Shut your hooooooooooooooooole!”
“Shut your hooooooooooooooooole!”
Finally, a Terminator movie worth half-watching on cable on a Saturday afternoon.
I know now why you like Terminator 2 more than the first one, but it’s something I can never do.
On today’s Doomsday Reels we watch Max von Sydow and Yul Brynner stumble through the English language like it’s a briar patch on a foggy day.
A weird wonderful fever dream of a movie that’s as fun as it is depressing.
A movie that reminds you of other things you’d rather be watching instead.
A Czechoslovakian movie that redefines bleakness and makes you feel bummed out for a while.
The movie that poses the philosophical quandary, “Which came first, the persecution complex or the jingoism?”
Brace yourselves, dear readers, as we travel to the dark underbelly of cinema that is J-sploitation.
Why stop at being the worst adaptation of Beowulf when you can also be the dumbest?