You have to wonder if old Hollywood foks take a look at the minutia, conclusion-jumping, and nitpicky elements that get covered online for everything from shortlists to credits and just shake their heads. Do they look at the results of the enormous online telephone game and just wonder, “how did that thing become a thing?” Can’t say what it is, but something about the news that Shane Black will indeed be co-writing Iron Man 3 just strikes me as that kind of news. Following up March’s announcement that Drew Pearce would be writing the Shane Black helmed Iron Man 3 for Marvel, Cinema Blend has discovered from many sources that Black will also be writing the script with Pearce based on his ideas.

The thing is, the original breaking of the Pearce news came with the note: “the plan is for him to start from scratch and work closely with Black.”

So a lot of heat and words being generated by something that was pretty much naturally assumed in the first place, and was never necessarily said to not be the arrangement. I’m reminded of a high school cafeteria where one little misheard something can turn into hundreds of teenagers screaming “oh!” for no reason. Or whatever. Maybe if the film was far enough along that Cinema Blend could have confirmed guild credits then this might be notable, though I suppose it is something that they heard-tell that Pearce was brought on to keep things grounded in PG-13 territory. Naturally, other sources dispute that particular claim.

Does this make you sigh a big breath or relief, or did you already assume this would be the deal? I’m interested to hear if I’m out of step on this one.

(via Collider)

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