Tudyk tells Moviehole that there’s hope for another Serenity movie, and it’s all because of the sales of the film’s recent special edition DVD. “They had to put [the new DVD] out because they’ve been selling out of the other one and so Universal’s like ‘So, let’s do another one’. And now… there’s now a chance there’s going to be another movie," he told the site.

Now, call me crazy, but I can’t imagine that Universal would do another feature film in this universe at this point. The studio has been good to less obviously commercial genre properties – I just came from a visit to the set of a sequel to a movie that wasn’t all that wildly profitable, and you’ll remember they’re the ones who greenlit the movie version of a hastily canceled TV show in the first place – but I just can’t see them taking another theatrical bath on this property.

That said, Universal is also at the cutting edge of the direct to DVD moment (the bleeding edge, when you realize they’re on their third or fourth DTDVD American Pie film, for the love of pete), so I could see them reviving Serenity as a DTDVD title. And I think I’ve said this before, but I believe this is exactly the unexplored land where Joss Whedon should make his home, a place halfway between the movies he wants to do and the longer form serial narratives at which he’s so damned good. I’d certainly buy a new Joss Whedon DTDVD movie every six weeks or so, and I think that Universal has seen that there’s a lot of money to be made on Whedon’s name on home video.

Here’s what I don’t get: why does Tudyk know about a Serenity sequel, when his character was knocked off in the first movie? Maybe he’s getting cloned or some shit.

For more on Tudyk’s thoughts on Serenity and how he parties with Nathan Fillion, click here.