Eagle Eye
writer, Travis Adam Wright, has just landed himself a gig to pen the first two films, in what could become a franchise, based on James A. Owens’ popular The Chronicles of the
Imaginarium Geographica
children’s booksThose would be Here, There Be Dragons and The Search for the Red Dragon.  Now, if the films end up getting made, Warner Bros. could just employ the titles of the individual books alone.  But considering how these kinds of properties that are tied to a series usually end up with the whole thing clogging up movie marquees (i.e. The Chronicles of Narnia: The Lion The Witch and the Wardrobe), the final products could be The Chronicles of the
Imaginarium Geographica: Here, There Be Dragons
and The Chronicles of the
Imaginarium Geographica: The Search for the Red Dragon. 
Kind of makes you wish for Eragon don’t it?

Anyway, Geographica, which Owen also illustrates, includes four
novels revolving around a secret book that contains the unpublished
maps and journals of history’s most famous author-adventurers.
Included as protagonists are a young J.R.R. Tolkien and C.S. Lewis,
future giants of the fantasy-adventure genre whose famous works are
imagined by Owen to have been inspired by these fictional
.  Wright has also written the remake of Walter Hill’s The Warriors, which Tony Scott is developing. 

via THR.com