When Matthew Vaughn dropped out of X-Men 3 I was bummed, but when I learned that his next film would be Stardust, based on the Neil Gaiman/Charles Vess fantasy comic, I got very happy. When I interviewed Vaughn for the US release of Layer Cake he made no secret of the fact that Stardust was a project very close to his heart – he even had some of Vess’ original artwork hanging in his home.

That film has finished shooting and will be out in July, but that doesn’t mean there aren’t last minute casting additions. Ian McKellen, aka Magneto, aka Gandalf, will be supplying his stately voice for the part of the narrator. Stardust, which is about “a young man who promises his beloved that he will retrieve a fallen star by venturing into the Faerie realm, where he encounters witches, goblins, gnomes, talking animals and evil trees” will probably have a couple of other voices pop up between now and the July 27th release.