When I spoke with Joe Carnahan about The Grey last year as excited as he was about animatronic wolves, really he just seemed nervous about how damn cold he knew it was going to be. Watching the new trailer that just popped up on Yahoo, I can see why. It looks like one cold movie…

In Alaska, an oil drilling team struggle to survive after a plane crash strands them in the wild. Hunting the humans are a pack of wolves who see them as intruders.

It’s also looks like a potentially awesome men-against-the-elements flick, that will at some point feature Liam Neeson fighting a wolf with broken-bottle hands. Like a kid playing Wolverine with butter knives between his knuckles, Liam has fashioned quite the defense weapon…

I like the look of the film, and I love the cut of the trailer so this will be a fun winter-month movie. It debuts on January 27th, and since we’re already starting to feel a chill in GA, I’ll expect to be more than used to bundling up by then.

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