I like Hollywood because even though Craig Robinson was arrested with a Hunter S. Thompson load of drugs in his car, it hasn’t affected his career one way or another. And the guy’s not even that famous. You know that Spielberg could open fire on a McDonald’s playground and still get himself a Humanitarian Oscar that same year.

And it’s good that Robinson’s career continues forward because I fucking love this guy. Which is why his name is the one that most gets me excited in this Production Weekly Twittered casting announcement for the comedy Hot Tub Time Machine; sure John Cusack and Rob Corddry are terrific guys to have in your movie, but Craig Robinson for the fucking win.

You remember this script from last year? It has the weirdest title and premise ever – a group of guys, adults who used to be cads back in their heyday, who, after a night of vodka and Red Bulls in a hot tub, travel back in time and set out to rediscover their “mojo.” – and it’s being directed by the guys behind the underrated Sex Drive. I haven’t read the script, but I was wondering if it was any good… but these names lay a lot of my fears to rest. Cusack, Corddry and Robinson almost personally guarantee a good time at the movies.

The film starts up this April. Looking forward to the first production images of these guys in the hot tub.