Between the trailers and posters and images we’ve previously posted, it would be silly to go on cynically digging any further on John Carter. Except, this trailer actually kind of works? While the unflattering “Prince of Persia meets Avatar” equation can’t help but flash in my head, I really do like some of the imagery in this trailer, and the scale feels more on par with ambition of the rumored budget. I’m still not particularly engrossed by the setting itself, but they’ve definitely filled things out from the empty teaser trailer, and aside from the blatantly CGI feel of the crowds of Mars-folk, the effects look clean and sharp.

I think we can move this from “actively dreading” to “sure, I’ll see that.”

That said: FUCKING ROCK SUPERSTAR?!?! (ejaculated egg all over my face with that one, but to the commenters below, yes, it was indeed the P.Diddy abomination that threw me off of Kashmir all the way into Cypress Hill. All that said, the point remains the same.) Whoever Requiem-For-A-Tower’d that song should… really not do things like that.

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(via JoBlo)