You know, she’s been hyped as the hottest thing walking the planet for the last couple of years now, even voted #1 Sexiest Woman by FHM for 2008 and been drooled over by fanboys everywhere, but I just really don’t see the appeal of Megan Fox.  I mean, what’s the big deal?  She looks like a Victoria’s Secret model?  Whoop-de-do.  She drapes herself over a Camaro and suddenly guys of all ages are running for the bedroom and nearest tube sock.  I mean is she really that…

…heh, yeah I gave it the ole college try, but who am I kidding?  I’d watch this chick doing a fundraising PSA for Pat Robertson’s next presidential bid on the 700 Club…in a burka…from the ankles down.  She is smoldering.  But I honestly haven’t seen what she’s capable of in anything beyond Transformers.  So I’m interested to catch her in the upcoming Jennifer’s Body and Jonah Hex and possibly in the project she just got cast in, The Crossing.  Described as a border thriller where a couple returning from a Mexican vacation is carjacked and the husband
kidnapped. The wife (Fox) must smuggle heroin across the border in
order to spring him. 

That’s a nice change of pace where it’s always the guy running around to save his woman (just ask John Cena), and is going to require Fox to deliver the goods…different goods than she already delivers just by looking at her.  Sad as it is, I can’t think of too many more legitimate things to base a believable homegrown thriller on right now than a jaunt south of the border.  That’s not intended to be a swipe at people of Mexican descent, but I know a person or two from that country who right now won’t go back there.  There are certain areas that seem to be a toss up with Iraq, Afghanistan and Somalia for worst places in the world to be right now due to drug violence.  So a (presumably) white couple getting caught up in bad drug scenario is both understandable and, right now, very contemporary.

Relative newcomers Byron Willinger and Philip DiBlasi wrote the script for Screen Gems and a director is pending.  Fox will also be seen in the upcoming Passion Plays opposite Mickey Rourke.  In the meantime, she has some robot flick pending I think.

via The Hollywood Reporter