WATCH THIS NOW: The Sad Slasher Ep. 2
This week the Sad Slasher needs to play cupid.
This week the Sad Slasher needs to play cupid.
Great one sheet. Exciting film.
A new classic from Greengrass is the most intense film of the year.
…and word on format improvements for the 2nd Hobbit film.
Guillermo del Toro and Tool fans rejoice!
The Monuments Men care about art and you should too!
Devon battles! Adam raves! Graig goes bats! Dan ships! and Jeb Uber Alles!
We’ve got five of these amazing, limited prints to give away!
O, O, O, O, O, O, O, O, O, O, O, O, O, O
Andrew Hawkins asks Nick many questions about the first 16 years of CHUD and the periphery. Warning: 2+ hours.