Chances are your warped little mind grew up around Richard Pryor. The man was responsible for many guffaws around my house in movies and on records, and now it’s time to win the Richard Pryor 4-Movie Collection, courtesy of your good friends you love to loathe at CHUD. Included in the package are Brewster’s Millions, … Continue reading →
(From the Lumiere stories) And there I stand. Hands in pockets, hat tipped down, my breath steaming in front of me. The wind wipes across my neck and I flip the collar of my coat up to keep the tongue of winter from lapping at me some more. I don’t know why I keep coming … Continue reading →
Let’s see… a big red cigar-chomping demon, open-faced bloodsuckers, murderous man-sized insects, various Lovecraftian beasts, whatever that freaky shit is in Pan’s Labyrinth… no doubt about it, happy horror helmer Guillermo del Toro digs his creatures. So his latest project Killing on Carnival Row sounds like his own personal paradise. According to the official synopsis, … Continue reading →
I have been a longtime Indiana Jones IV atheist – I thought the sequel would remain forever vaporcinema. But it looks like forces have begun to align making Indy IV something a little more real. Spielberg was supposed to shoot an Abe Lincoln biopic with Liam Neeson (note: not an American! Scandal) in the lead … Continue reading →
It’s interesting watching James Cameron come out of his decade long slumber, getting ready to start on his next film, the mysterious Project 880 (which we’re all pretty sure is Avatar, a script he abandoned a couple of years back… or so we thought! DUN DUN DUN). He’s making the rounds and dropping hints and … Continue reading →
Think You Have What It Takes to Be a Warrior-Scribe? Well, Cry Havoc and Let Slip Those Reviews! It’s on. The Second “Thor’s Comic Column” Write-on is underway! One week left. So head over to the message boards RIGHT HERE for the brass tacks, and good luck! A Bittersweet Finale – Fantastic Four/Iron Man: Big … Continue reading →
There’s never been a better time to jump on the Werner Herzog bandwagon. His recent film, Grizzly Man, is a masterpiece that all right-minded film lovers must own on DVD. His next movie, Rescue Dawn, is a fictionalized retelling of the true events of his documentary Little Dieter Needs to Fly, and it stars Christian … Continue reading →
We’re making a movie. It isn’t Big Dick’s and it isn’t MEG, obviously. Big Dick’s is sleeping for a wake-up date some other time and MEG isn’t really something I could make locally. Expect an update on that flick in the near future though. 11 Colonels ATTACK! is a really silly and messed-up comedy which … Continue reading →
Anthony Hopkins is grandfatherly. He’s soft spoken and laughs a lot and seems to happy to get his reminiscence on, just like a grandfather. After meeting him it’s hard to imagine him eating Ray Liotta’s brain – and then right at the end of the interview he did that lip smacking noise that Hannibal makes … Continue reading →
Anthony Hopkins is grandfatherly. He’s soft spoken and laughs a lot and seems to happy to get his reminiscence on, just like a grandfather. After meeting him it’s hard to imagine him eating Ray Liotta’s brain – and then right at the end of the interview he did that lip smacking noise that Hannibal makes … Continue reading →