CONTEST: THAT’S MY BOY Blu-ray Giveaway
“Rated R for crude sexual content throughout, nudity, pervasive language and some drug use.”
“Rated R for crude sexual content throughout, nudity, pervasive language and some drug use.”
Michael is consumed by pure evil and is addicted to THE POWER! No, he hasn’t become a Republican. It’s a horror movie.
Supernatural week lurks forward as Michael continues to receive video-dream-transmissions from the year 1…9…9…
Dread, death, depression, despair. It’s all here.
Another week of Tom vs Clint with Jesse as moderator
Things start to get reasonable again.
Supernatural Week begins by making you take a bath in a horror atmosphere.
Sure, Jason screwed this up – but SO MUCH THINGS FOR BUYING!
Great stuff from a great dude.