David heads back to the mansion.
David heads back to the mansion.
Every single person who visits this site fancies themselves a film fan. From the nameless readers who don’t interact to the regular Chewers on the Boards to every single person on the staff – we love film. We live for it. We watch as much of it as we can. But, sadly, we’ll never be … Continue reading
Steve tries to enjoy the latest Starkiller adventure.
Ryan used to like Scrubs.
Never trust a blind man.
Troy and the gang VS. THE WORLD!
You get what you pay for.
A web series that wished hard enough until it became a movie.
The Walking Dead debuted yesterday to smashing numbers, based solely on CHUD.com’s business-altering preview piece. We kid. Frank Darabont is the man and television is the better for having him creating horror shows for it. We will be doing Tag Teams of the show (as we do with Boardwalk Empire and possibly more shows) as … Continue reading
Nucky rigs an election and prepares for war, while CHUD watches.