“Do you know in 900 years of time and space I’ve never met anyone that wasn’t important.”
“Do you know in 900 years of time and space I’ve never met anyone that wasn’t important.”
His post-prime reinventions and divorces are more interesting than the doc lets on.
Michael Rooker and Walking Dead fans represent!
The world’s secretest secret agent lets some secrets slip.
Dubya’s ruined dome is at King’s Landing!
This week: Jack Abramoff’s Pride and Prejudice.
A Russian stripper, and a blue collar psycho join the cast of Dexter: Season 7.
Fully clothed woman questions male gaze; internet hate machine activates.
Two obscure ’70s crime flicks from Robert Mulligan and John Frankenheimer have been saved by Shout! Factory!
The link to Justin’s review glowed green and expectant on the site like the Toxic Avenger’s wang. The poor helpless reader clicked it and knew there was no going back…..