
Four Lions

Islamic terrorism is a very touchy subject for multiple reasons. It immediately raises bad memories of 9/11, in addition to the ongoing terrors in Afghanistan, Iraq and Pakistan. There’s also the matter of religious persecution, with peaceful and moderate Muslims everywhere being discriminated against because a small and overly crazed minority claims to speak for … Continue reading

Tamara Drewe

Tamara Drewe takes place in a fictional middle-of-nowhere village called Ewedown, England. There, a best-selling author and his wife have developed a quiet famland retreat for writers to come and work in peace. Things are calm at the retreat — though there’s plenty of egotism and eccentricity going around — until Tamara Drewe (now with … Continue reading


You’ve probably seen quite a few movies come and go from multiplexes that claim to be based on true stories, but did you know that there’s actually a difference between “Based on…” and “Inspired by…”? See, the label “Based on a true story” means that the work in question is a direct adaptation of actual … Continue reading

Paranormal Activity 2

I think we all knew that Paranormal Activity would be turned into a franchise. Now that the Saw movies have run their course, it’s time for the next big low-budget, high-profit horror movie bottled lightning. Naturally, a sequel was prepped immediately after the first movie became a hit, but the first film didn’t leave much … Continue reading

Tron: Legacy (Advance Screening)

By now, you’ve probably heard that there’s a sequel to Tron coming out. I’d be very surprised if you hadn’t, considering that Disney is using every ounce of its considerable marketing muscle to raise awareness of this film. Tron: Legacy set a San Diego Comic-Con record, appearing for three years straight. TV spots are already … Continue reading


To say that Hereafter begins with a bang would be an understatement. Within the film’s opening minutes, we witness a huge tsunami hit somewhere in South Asia. We see it through the eyes of a French woman on holiday, who gets a near-death experience as she’s swept up in the waters. This is also where … Continue reading

Never Let Me Go

There are many amazing things about Never Let Me Go. Among them is the fact that when broken into its individual themes, nothing about it is really new. Off the top of my head, I can recognize parts of this film from 1984, Moon, Repo! The Genetic Opera, Blade Runner and Dollhouse. Yet the truly … Continue reading


This has been a good year for action movies. Last summer alone had the triple-whammy of The Losers, The Expendables, and The A-Team. Even Inception was basically an ensemble team-on-a-mission flick with running, gunning and scheming dressed in so much intellectual wrapping. And now, we have one more in the genre for this year. RED … Continue reading

Waiting for "Superman"

I am not an expert on social policy in any way, shape or form. I took an elective course on education back in college, but I’m hardly knowledgeable on the subject. I’m not an activist or an idealist of any kind. I’m just a schmuck with a blog, some movie passes and way too much … Continue reading

Jackass 3D

I don’t expect this will be an ordinary blog entry, since Jackass 3D is hardly an ordinary film. I can’t comment on the acting or the writing because there isn’t any of either. The editing is solid and the 3D is glorious — doubly so during the many slo-mo and instant replay shots — but … Continue reading