Matthew Torti

Long Lost Cinema: Freaked

When a film strikes a chord deep within you, I’m talking about when it really speaks to you on a profound level, it’s indescribable. Everyone has a film that holds a special place in their heart, regardless of the quality or popularity of it. If it means something to you, that’s all that matters. But … Continue reading

Dreaming on the silver screen

Normally, I wouldn’t write about something that almost everyone else is writing about; eventually, it all begins to sound the same.  But in this case, I’ll make an exception.  On Monday afternoon I fell upon the news that Stan Winston had died.  As soon as I read the headline on CHUD’s homepage, I just sat … Continue reading

What ever happened to… Larry Drake?

As the old adage in Hollywood goes, “You’re only as good as your last movie.” It’s a sad, harsh reality that plenty of actors are forced to contend with. Some are deserving of what comes their way, others not so much. Because of this, I frequently catch myself thinking about films that helped shape who … Continue reading