First, the cold hard facts: I’ve never read any of the Twilight books. I didn’t see the first movie until October of this year. I did, however, let my oldest female friend drag me to the sequel last night and I’m not sorry. That’s right. I’m not sorry I saw New Moon or contributed my … Continue reading →
So I was watching 12 Monkeys for the first time in several years. I had forgotten about the themes revolving around psychiatry and just remembered the movie as being about an inevitable time loop that I always regarded Bruce Willis as being too dumb to figure out in time, even though the audience had it … Continue reading →
So all five of you who read yesterday’s entry and are familiar with MW2 probably noted the conspicuous lack of reference to what is probably the largest talking point engendered by the game: the sequence where your “buddies” wipe out an airport full of Russian civvies. At first I figured I’d avoid that stuff to … Continue reading →
I bought the new Call of Duty on Friday and was pretty sure I’d finish it by the end of the weekend. A lot of people complained about the shortness of the single player campaign but that seems ridiculous to me. A game like MW2 is so white-knuckle that it it relies on a certain … Continue reading →